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The Permanent Building Committee and the Friends of the Boxford Little Red Schoolhouse
have partnered to bring this historic landmark back to life!
At the 2021 Annual Town Meeting, the request for design funds for the Little Red Schoolhouse (LRSH) project was overwhelmingly approved (unanimous voice vote) by Boxford voters. In the year since, the project has been put under the aegis of the Permanent Building Committee. We have consulted with the Historic District Commission, the Select Board, and the Community Preservation Committee — gaining their support along the way. Ken Savoie of Savoie Nolan Architects LLC in Ipswich has been retained to provide the construction drawings and specifications for the restoration of the LRSH and contract administration services during the construction phases.
The Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School has agreed to accept the Little Red School House as one of its Community Projects. Through their Construction Academy, the LRSH can provide the students with authentic work experiences who in turn, under the supervision of a teacher/licensed tradesperson, can perform the carpentry, electrical, masonry and any demolition work required to restore the building with the Town providing the materials.
The PBC will be applying for CPA funds to help offset the costs of this important restoration project. We have been meeting with the Select Board and the Community Preservation Committee in advance of our submission. If you missed the PBC's presentation to the Select Board and the CPC we've included it here: